India well positioned to leap ahead of developed worlds with AI: Sundar Pichai

India well positioned to leap ahead of developed worlds with AI: Sundar Pichai

“For India and other emerging countries, technology shifts are opportunities to catch up or leap ahead,” Pichai said.  India was unlikely to match developed countries in personal computing penetration, but in mobile adoption, more people gained access than in previous generations, Pichai elaborated.  Many people skipped landlines and went straight to cellular phones. With each … Read more

Big tech’s great AI power grab

Big tech’s great AI power grab

The comparison with the famously capex-happy energy industry is apt not just because of the sums involved. AI needs vast amounts of processing power. And that processing power needs vast amounts of electricity. On May 2nd Bob Blue, chief executive of Dominion Energy, one of America’s biggest utilities, said that data-centre developers now regularly ask … Read more